Many people have heard of outsourcing, but few know exactly what it is. A couple of people judge outsourcing with the misconceptions they’ve heard about it. Here are a few misconceptions about outsourcing: 

1. Outsourcing equates to a lack of communication

Outsourcing firms have had decades to build effective communication tools and ensure that all project stakeholders are on the same page from the initial contact through the launch. To achieve a perfect fit, video conferences and interviews with individual team members are used. Furthermore, both parties sign a contract outlining the terms of engagement and penalties for breaching the contract at the start of the project to avoid communication blunders.

2. Outsourcing is invariably ineffective

Some business owners claim that they run into various efficiency-related issues when dealing with outsourcing vendors. However, all too often, these challenges are easy to overcome if SMEs do their homework and choose the right outsourcing partner. Combining this with the right approach to management will result in even better performance and cooperation across teams, both in-house and external. Here are project management best practices:

              – Platforms for task management:  Many online applications, such as Asana, Jira, and Trello, give teams the tools they need to divide enormous projects down into smaller chunks, assign tasks, and track progress in real-time. Business owners can easily examine the current project status and identify obstacles that are impeding progress.

               – Plan for reporting:  SMEs should receive status updates and reports at least once a week, regardless of their project management approach.

3. Only large corporations have access to Outsourcing
Even though outsourcing companies prefer larger clients, they do not turn away small enterprises. The biggest customers of BPOs are small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

Because of the cost benefits that BPO services can provide for SMEs, the outsourcing business does not discriminate based on size. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are expanding businesses. BPOs like to work with high-potential SMEs. Why? It’s because they want to be these rising businesses’ long-term service providers.

4. Outsourcing deprives you of control over your business

One of the top outsourcing worries for European businesses is a lack of control over the project and business. Incompatibility with the client’s needs is a close second. Hiring an outside team to support in-house efforts, on the other hand, does NOT imply that you do not influence the outcome. Business owners can maintain maximum control and assure understanding with an outsourced vendor by using good expectation management and precise documentation.


To summarize what has been said thus far, we believe that communication is the key to effective collaboration and that processes of any complexity can be effectively outsourced with high-quality results for any organization of any size.

Which of these myths do you hear the most? Have any questions about outsourcing? Kindly leave a comment.

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