18 Techniques for Increasing Traffic to Your Website

Invisible content is another unofficial term for content made with the aim of creating other content. Those who continue to rely on antiquated methods of website promotion that involve nothing more than routinely posting material are doomed to failure. Several justifications for this claim are as follows:

• Every day, there are more and more posts published, and this number is increasing rapidly.
• The volume of social shares and website traffic coming from social media platforms is decreasing.
• The majority of published articles receive few links and, as a result, rank poorly on Google.
The issue is therefore very clear—competition is growing quickly, and traffic routes that were once good for content promotion are no longer an easy target. I want to give you 14 ideas that will help you get results and let your content drive traffic because of this.

Let’s begin immediately…

1. Repurposing blog posts into visuals
2. Boost social media platform
3. Interview business professionals
4. Distribute a bulk email to your subscribers
5. Share material on websites and forums like Reddit, Quora, GrowthHackers, or Zest
6. Request content sharing from your network of online acquaintances.
7. Join exclusive Facebook groups and pages
8. Add a button to the home page with a link to your content.
9. Promote your content to your regulars readers who aren’t on your list yet
10. Contact businesses that publish related material.
11. Partner with businesses to appear in their newsletters
12. Reach out to businesses that provide weekly or monthly content roundups.
13. Join high-profile publications as a guest contributor.
14. Purchase mass (dedicated) emails
15. Examine the effectiveness of your competitors’ content
16. Produce superior content to that of the competitors
17. Design an advertising campaign
18. Improve the title, meta description, and social media snippets.

1. Repurposing blog posts into visuals  

Visuals are a really powerful tool for engaging an audience online if you didn’t already know that. Your target audience will be drawn to it whether it is in the shape of movies, infographics, or unique illustrations.

2. Boost social media platform

You could assume that this is simple as you read it. Not exactly. Because each of your online channels demands a distinct message and an arresting image or perhaps a video to complement the post, you must be ready for a complete campaign. It’s preferable to write material for Facebook that has a video to go with it and at least a few phrases. A video message is always a welcome addition, and a formal tone is preferred for LinkedIn. When using Twitter, always be succinct and include a static image or gif.

In addition, feel free to tag whomever you choose in your article. This explains why roundup postings are one of the most widely read types of material. A quote with a useful comment from a subject matter expert? Mention the individual. You can also tag workers of the companies you discuss to raise engagement rates; it consistently gets great results.
On a related subject, there are tools to assist you with your social media efforts, and a little advance planning goes a long way. To make a few shout-outs once your material goes live, write a few pieces in preparation for each channel.

3. Interview business professionalsThe people who have established themselves as authorities in your field are known as industry experts. On social media, they frequently have tens of thousands of followers who look to them for knowledgeable advice. In other words, when it comes to matters pertaining to the industry, what they say holds true.
As a result, if you know how to use them, they can significantly affect the amount of traffic to your website. They may do wonders to increase traffic to your website with just one mention. B2B influencers and industry specialists often decline compensated promotions, in contrast to B2C influencers. If they didn’t sincerely enjoy your goods or services, they wouldn’t endorse your company even for payment.
As an alternative, you might try interviewing them in the hopes of getting a mention and a link share. It increases your visibility and increases website traffic when a well-known expert distributes your information. The audience of the influencer may even assist you acquire more social shares, which would ultimately increase traffic.

4. Distribute a bulk email to your subscribersPlease understand that email is still alive. With 1 billion active Gmail users globally, email marketing is actually the third most effective information source for B2B audiences. So put your hands to work and create some intriguing writing, eye-catching imagery, and a justification for why they should read this piece. A properly segmented subscriber database that enables more targeted communication is a significant component that influences the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy. Fortunately, there are several of accessible email marketing automation software. So that you can send material that is appropriate for them, these tools will let you segment your subscribers based on the types of pages they have seen.

5. Share material on websites like Zest, Quora, GrowthHackers, and Reddit.

Most online forums are excellent places to find new members. However, there is a catch: you must first locate those communities. The next step is to create a complex promotion strategy that won’t result in an immediate ban.

In conclusion, if you’re fortunate enough to have friends who are frequent participants in those organizations, then ask them for assistance. If not, you should exercise caution because your reputation is on the line. Instead, get active in the community or group of your choice; participate in conversations or leave comments; see how others are promoting their material; and then, and only then, begin to subtly promote yourself.
With Zest, submitted content is subject to internal control and may be rejected by the evaluating members. For GH, it’s a different story. Content that receives no likes just evaporates into thin air by being removed from users’ feeds.

6. Request content sharing from your network of online acquaintances.

Prepare a list of contacts and a draft email with links to social media posts as a start. Robbie Richards is without a doubt a real virtuoso. Just observe how simple he makes it to share his posts.

7. Join exclusive Facebook groups and pagesFind out what kinds of organizations your business acquaintances are in by adopting an investigator’s mindset. Again, some preparation is required in advance; you must learn about those groups, apply, and then create the information you will share with that community.
In this instance, a life hack would be to offer value to the community as well as share your information online. This might be a limited run of a book that contains intelligent tactics or a coupon for savings. Giving people something that might be helpful takes the focus off of your attempt to profit off of a group and presents you in a more positive light.

8. Add a button to the home page with a link to your content.Just include links where people will notice them. Make it prominent on your website’s main menu, for example, or create a one-time pop-up window to alert readers to a new piece you’ve published. Create a notice instead for the same result. You have a plethora of choices.
In addition to making your material visible to visitors, including a link in the navigation of your primary site will significantly improve your SEO. Site-wide links always improve a URL’s search engine visibility. If you’re interested in learning more about creating internal links, check out this excellent piece by Kevin Indig, who explains how to benefit from them.

9. Promote your content to your regulars’ readers who aren’t on your list yetThe Facebook Pixel comes to your aid! Set up targeted advertising for visitors who have at least once visited your blog. You can also message the folks who left your comments after cleaning up your comments section.Once you’ve configured Pixel, it should be able to gather enough data on your visitors. Following that, you may create your Custom Audience and exclude users who visited your blog.

10. Contact businesses that publish related material.It’s crucial to avoid making mistakes right away, so carefully plan your outreach email and act decently. Because your audiences and the content themes you cover overlap, extend an invitation to cooperate on content promotion across social media networks. If unending success is what you most desire, offer to include a quote from people who work for those businesses in your article. You’ll be off to a terrific start with it.

11. Partner with businesses to appear in their newslettersEmail marketing, but similar to number 9 above. Find a list of businesses that create material similar to that which they do first. BuzzSumo can be used to do that. Next, subscribe to an email list and examine the list’s email frequency, communication schedule, and other factors. As a result of the drastic reduction in the number of individuals you need to connect with and the knowledge that those people will be considering your offer, you can then discuss joining up. Because what if they stop sending out email newsletters altogether?

12. Reach out to businesses that provide weekly or monthly content roundups.
You can use BuzzSumo or Pitchbox to look up such businesses for this purpose. Because Pitchbox enables me to obtain a list of content sites depending on the keywords I’ve previously chosen, I personally favor using it. It also only takes a little while. After then, Pitchbox compiles a list of contacts that are linked to that page on its own.

13. Join high-profile publications as a guest contributor.Writing for relevant, authoritative magazines is one of the most powerful ways to increase traffic to your website. By doing this, you’ll expose your work to a fresh audience that will be interested in it and establish your authority.This audience might be moved to visit your website to learn more about your goods and services or find more informative articles on subjects that interest them. Additionally, the website is endorsing you and your competence by publishing your work there. As a result, you gain some credibility and this new audience’s confidence.Not to mention how a backlink from a trusted website will strengthen your link profile and increase your authority with search engines. Your visibility will increase, which will help you raise your ranking and eventually increase visitors to your website.

To get started and raise your chances of being accepted with the outreach email, you need adhere to a few best practices. Here are some pointers you can apply:

• Use the editor’s name or the name of the person you are contacting in your salutation at all times.
• Try not to gush endlessly about how much you adore their stuff. Keep your compliments brief if you must.
• Don’t write long paragraphs of text. You don’t want to make them bored before they even understand the email’s point. Express your motivation for writing to them succinctly.
• Include links to your prior works or samples of your work, even if they are from your own blog, if at all possible. This will help them understand what you can deliver and increase the likelihood that they will accept you.
• Check the website to verify if the subject line is specified. If not, you can use the subject line as your title or your topic. If you want to grab their interest, think outside the box a little bit more than just “guest post.”

14. Purchase mass (dedicated) emailsThere are several options out there. For example, SEJ offers these services, along with any other website that publishes sponsored posts. Even some events get involved in that.

15. Examine the effectiveness of your competitors’ content
You can learn the following things by looking at how well your competitors’ material performs:
• Find out the most effective channels in your niche.
The Nacho Analytics tool recreates a competitor’s analytics right inside your own analytics account. (Or a side account you’ve created just for competitive intelligence.) You can drill into content performance to figure out effective channels and email performance.
• Find out which pages currently appear in the top results for the terms you’re interested in.
The most popular pages for any keyword in Google are displayed to you by SpyFu. The top URLs for the search term “content marketing strategy” can be seen in the screenshot below.
• Recognize how long it takes to rank well on Google.
With the aid of SpyFu, which provides you with an anticipated amount of SEO visitors going all the way back to 2008, this information can be discovered.

16. Produce superior content to that of the competitors
Making high-quality content that people will want to read, share, and link to is one of the most efficient ways to increase traffic to your website. This entails creating material that the audience will find more engaging than that of the opposition.
This is important because, between two blog entries on the same subject, readers are more likely to interact with and share the more informative and aesthetically pleasing one. In order to increase traffic to your website, you must produce content that is significantly better than that of your rivals.16. Create better content than the competition
One of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website is by creating high-quality content that people would want to read, share, and link to. This involves developing content that the audience would prefer over that of the competition.
This is crucial because, among two blog posts on the same topic, the audience is more likely to engage with and share the one that’s more informative and visually appealing. So, creating much better content than your competitors is a necessity to drive traffic to your website.
Using SpyFu, start by identifying your main rivals. Even though you could be aware of a handful of your main rivals, you might overlook other worthy opponents who are catching up to you. If you want to stay ahead of your rivals, you must keep a tight eye on any potential threat.

17. Design an advertising campaign
The majority of advertisements, including Google Ads, are effective and can deliver results straight away. If you execute it correctly, you can start making fresh sales at the end of the first hour after getting up and running.
People conduct specialized searches on Google when doing so. They are actively looking for answers to their problems on Google, and frequently they are also wanting to buy a good or service.
Although we adore SEO, Google Ads are the way to go right now if you need results. If you don’t make a landing page that is pertinent to your advertisement, your conversion rates will be appalling and you’ll be wasting money. While Google Ads dominates this section, don’t ignore the other ad platforms:
Facebook Ads
Tweet ads
Ads on Instagram
We have a step-by-step Google Ads tutorial to help you launch your first campaign.

18. Improve the title, meta description, and social media snippets.You may ask any knowledgeable digital marketer what meta tags or snippets are. Sadly, not all of them are aware of the importance of these minute bits of code or are aware of the specifics of on-page SEO optimization. Your click-through rate increases and visitors’ first impressions of your content stay favorable with improved meta descriptions and titles.
The guidelines:
• Keep it pertinent, illustrative, succinct, and appealing.
• Include the targeted keyword in your sentenc.

How to configure your site to take advantage of the Local Pack SERP feature:

• As many people access your website through the Local Pack while on the go, make sure it is mobile-friendly.
• Make sure local SEO is a priority for your website.
• Check to see if your Google My Business profile has been updated and kept up to date.
• Be sure to add your website to TripAdvisor, Yelp, YP.com, and other directories.
• the backend of your website with schema markup
Remarkably, increasing your website’s sales is another benefit of optimizing it for the “local pack” SERP feature. 


The majority of these tactics, I trust, will enable you to attract the number of visitors you desire. They are simple to apply after everything is set up, but you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the outcomes they can provide. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

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